Effect of Two Dietaries on Meat Quality of Wujin Pig and Landrace Evaluated by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method
Graphical Abstract
Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two dietaries on meat quality of Wujin pig and Landrace by fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.Method This experiment was adopted randomly grouping design of two-factors (breed) and two-levels (nutritional levels). Eighteen Wujin pigs with the body weight of 60 kg were randomly assigned into two treatments groups with three replicates per group and three heads in each replicate, and Landraces were the same. The treatment 1 group was fed with the Wujin diet and the treatment 2 group was fed NRC diet in same breed. At the body weight of 100 kg, pigs were slaughtered. Nine attributes of meat quality were measured, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of pork quality was established. Meat qualities of four treatment groups were evaluated by significance test method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model.Results (1) Application the significance test method, nine attributes of meat qualities were no significant difference (P>0.05) in diets factor and diets×breeds factor. L24h* and water loss rate of Landrace pork were significantly higher than Wujin pork (PL24h*,a24h*,b24h*,marble,shear force of treatment groups fed WJ diet meet were better than treatment groups fed the NRC diet. (2) Application fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the sequence of meat quality of four treatment groups from good to bad were:WW group (Wujin pigs with WJ diet) > LW group (Landrace with WJ diet) > WN group (Wujin pigs with NRC diet) > LN group (Landrace with NRC diet). Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation value had significantly positive correlation with marble score and drip loss (PConclusion WJ diet is superior to NRC diet in meat quality of Wujin pig and landrace, and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method can quickly get meat quality quantitative assessment results.