
The “Have to” and “Unbearable” in the Human Consumption in Rural Areas

  • 摘要: 中国人日常生活中所说的“随礼”是人情消费中的重要方面和体现,是生活中必不可少的一项生活支出和维系关系的消费。随着社会的发展,农村地区的人情消费已经逐渐演化成非正常支出和收入的一个部分,变味的“随礼”,成为农村居民维系正常关系中“不得已”所做的一项支出,经济压力骤然增大,越来越难以承受。从社会文化、面子观念和消费社会三个维度立体的来分析目前农村“随礼”消费的原因,有助于我们更好地理解这一现象,促使农村居民人情消费合理化。


    Abstract: “Sui li” is a very important aspect of Chinese people’ s human consumption and it is an essential outcome of our lives and it has a function of maintaining relationships. With the development of society, human consumption in rural areas has gradually evolved into a non normal income and expenditure of a part, the rural residents have to do “sui li” to maintain relationship and bear suddenly increased economic pressure. From the social culture, the concept of “mian zi” and consumer society dimensions to analysis the causes of the phenomenon can help us have a better understanding of this phenomenon and prompt human consumption of rural residents rationalization.


