
Efficiency, Legitimacy and Social Network: The Logical Analysis of Rural Farmland Transfer

  • 摘要: 制度与行为的有效契合将推动农地“三权分置”持续有效运行。反之,则可能产生农地矛盾。在农地产权制度既定的前提下,探讨农户农地流转行为逻辑是高质量推进农地流转的必然要求。本文建构了农户农地流转行为逻辑分析框架,并运用结构方程模型进行了实证分析。结果表明,合法性→效率→行为、社会关系网络→效率→行为两条路径显著,交易成本对行为的影响在0.1显著性水平上显著,其他路径不显著。这表明,农户农地流转行为受到产权制度目标和乡土社会情景的双重约束,效率逻辑是关键,合法性逻辑和社会关系网络逻辑是基础,合法性和社会关系网络需要通过效率来影响农户农地流转行为。实现农地流转“善治”,规避农地矛盾,必须做到制度合情,行为合规。具体而言,则要充分发挥效率在农地流转中的关键作用,厚实农地流转行为的社会基础,推动农村流转网络化治理的形成,强化农地流转网络治理能力建设。


    Abstract: Institution and behavior influence each other. Given the institutional conditions, it is necessary to explore how peasants behave in rural farmland transfer decision-making. After constructing a farmland transfer behavior model, how peasants behave in rural farmland transfer decision-making process is analyzed, using structural equation modeling. Two causal paths tell us how the effects happen. The former one is from legitimacy, through efficiency, to behavior, while the latter one is from social network, through efficiency, to behavior, indicating that efficiency plays a key role in the decision-making process while legitimacy and social network provide a social basis. Additionally, social transaction cost influences behavior with the 0.1 significance level. To realize “good governance” of the farmland transfer process and avoid the conflicting issues, measures should be taken to make institutional arrangements and behavior adapt to each other. Detailly, the key role of efficiency played in farmland transfer should be fully emphasized, the social base of farmland transfer should be strengthed, and network governance of farmland transfer should be promoted.


