
On the Local Excellent Traditional Cultural Resources of Yunnan Province in the Ideological and Political Education of Colleges and Universities

  • 摘要: 中华优秀传统文化是高校思想政治教育课的重要资源,地方优秀传统文化亦是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分。高校思想政治教育在资源的利用上要结合地方实际,有机融合地方优秀传统文化资源。高校思想政治教育的一个重要核心就是传递人文精神,培养具备真善美人格精神的当代人才。文章以云南历代文人士子诗词文章为文献,阐释云南地方优秀传统文化在高校思想政治教育当中体现“真”“善”“美”要求,为社会培养具有人文精神的新时代人才。


    Abstract: Excellent traditional Chinese culture is the important resource for ideological and political courses in colleges and universities, and excellent local traditional culture is an important part of excellent traditional Chinese culture. So when we use resources, not only local condition should be considered, but also excellent local traditional culture should be fused organically for ideological and political course in colleges and universities. Transferring humanistic spirits and cultivating modern talents with the true, the good, and the beautiful is one of the important cores in ideological and political course in colleges and universities. This issue is based on famous poems and articles written by historical poets and writers, to illustrate the true, the good, and the beautiful, acquired by ideological and political course in colleges and universities in Excellent local traditional culture of Yunnan province, only in this way, the talents that are aware of humanistic spirits can be cultivable for society.


