边疆多民族地区村“两委”换届 选举工作的调查研究

The Election of Two Committees of the Village Cadres in Yunnan Frontier Minority Area

  • 摘要: 由于特殊的地理位置、民族的多样性,边疆多民族地区的村两委换届选举工作与其他地区相比情况更为复杂。为掌握选举工作中存在的问题,对来自云南省的412名调查对象进行问卷调查和访谈,了解到当前边疆多民族地区在换届选举过程中仍存在宣传动员工作不充分,宗派、宗族势力影响仍存在,选举程序操作不规范,性别歧视仍存在等问题;并提出加强认识,做好宣传组织监督教育工作,规范选举,提高村干部队伍威信,理顺村两委关系等相关建议和意见。


    Abstract: Because of special geographical environment and ethnic diversity, village cadres' election is more complicated in frontier minority areas than in other regions. In order to figure out the reason, a questionnaire about survey and interviews of the 412 polls which come from Yunnan province are carried out. It was found that there are some problems, such as propaganda was not sufficient, sectarian influence and gender discrimination still existed, election procedure operation was not standardized. According to the results of the investigation, it getts some suggestions and opinions, such as strengthening awareness, doing well the propaganda, organization and education work, standarding the election procedures, enhancing the village cadres team prestige, rationalizing the village cadres' relationship and so on.


