
WeChat Reading Promotion Based on the University Library

  • 摘要: 探索高校图书馆微信阅读推广发展迅速的技术成因,分析我国高校图书馆三种主要数字化阅读推广方式,微信与网站、手机图书馆APP应用(APP客户端),结合云南农业大学馆阅读推广服务实践,综合研究微信服务接受度、服务及时性、服务交互性、传播扩散性等技术因素。并对在高校图书馆发挥好这些因素的作用,提升微信阅读推广提供策略,创新微信阅读推广与其他阅读推广方式融合提出思考,为高等学校读者提供更好的阅读推广。


    Abstract: It focuses on the relationship between library WeChat reading promotion and driving technological forces. Three main promotion modes of digital university library, WeChat, website, and mobile phone library application (APP client) were studied in this paper. Based on reading promotion and our service practice,it focuses on comprehensive analysis among the acceptability, interactivity, diffusivity and timeliness of library service and other related factors. To make the reading promotion work at full capacity, should provide next level of the policies. The paper also gave our thoughts in innovation effective integration of WeChat reading promotion and other promoting modes. It can provide better reading promotion service for university library readers.


