
The Challenges and Countermeasures of Precision Poverty Alleviation in Minority Areas:Based on Investigation of Guanghe County in Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Gansu Province

  • 摘要: 随着十三五规划的开展,党和国家将民族地区的扶贫列为重中之重,解决民族地区的贫困问题势在必行。研究以甘肃省临夏回族自治州广河县为例,通过实地调研的方式,发现民族地区精准扶贫实施过程中面临着对象识别困难、致贫因素识别浅显、精准帮扶形式主义、帮扶方式粗放、资源分配不均、精准监管不到位、精准考核僵硬等挑战。结合实地调查的情况与当地实际发展,研究认为少数民族地区的精准扶贫路径首先要建立科学的收入核算体系,精准识别扶贫对象;对扶贫对象要实行分类扶贫,确保精准帮扶因地制宜;建立扶贫对象跟踪管理,完善扶贫开发大数据平台;提高精准扶贫工作管理水平;精准考核多元化,建立绿色考核机制。


    Abstract: With the implementation of 13th Five-Year plan, the party and state pay more attention on poverty programs of minority areas, in order to try their best to solve poverty problems of each area. The study takes Guanghe County of Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Linxia Gansu province as an example, by taking field research, it found that many areas are confronted with numerous challenges, such as the difficulty of object identification, poor ability to recognize factors of poverty, formalism and extensive measures exist in the assisting system, unequal distribution of resources, the supervision is not in the place and the assessment keeps stiff in the process of implementing targeted poverty alleviation in ethnic areas. Combined the actual development of the local area with field investigation, this study suggests that in order to carry out the targeted poverty alleviation, firstly,governments need to establish a scientific income accounting system to identify objects; and secondly, they need to help the poor according to different classes to make sure that measures are suitable each situation of each area; thirdly, they need to establish track management of the poor and to complete the data platform of the poverty relief; and lastly, they need to improve the level of work management and diversified accurate assessment which aims to establish a green assessment mechanism.


