
Abolition of the Imperial Examinations and the Urban and Rural Dual Structure in Modern China

  • 摘要: 清末新政中废除科举、兴办新式学堂的制度变迁加速并深化了城乡二元格局的形成,主要表现在:一是使遍布乡村的传统书塾失去价值,而新式学堂又多设在城市,导致乡村教育资源缺失,城乡教育由一体化变为差距显著;二是使有科举功名的士绅不再有特权,社会地位下降,前程与生计均面临危机,从而不再居乡而是大量流向城市,导致乡村人才流失,形成城乡间的马太效应;三是以科举为依托的耕读文化陨落,乡村文化地位显著下降,并成为落后、愚昧的符号。这种二元格局中蕴含的重城市、轻乡村的理念,因路径依赖而延续到了当代。


    Abstract: The abolition of the imperial examination and the establishment of the new school of system in the New Deal in the late Qing dynasty accelerated and deepened the formation of urban and rural dual structure, mainly manifested in the following aspects:First,it made traditional old-style private school spreading over country lose value, while new-style schools located in the city, which lead to lack rural education resources, and the education gap between urban and rural varied significantly. Second, it made the gentry enjoying imperial fame no longer had the privilege,their social states declined,and their future and livelihoods were facing a crisis,thus,a large number of them entered the city,the phenomenon caused Matthew effect. Third, the farming and reading culture basing on imperial examination declined, rural cultural status decreased significantly. Therefore, the concept of attaching more importance on city,while,neglecting country was continuing till today because of path dependence.


