
Sustainable Livelihoods about Reservoir Resettlement in Southwest Immigrants: Based on Yunnan Longkaikou Village of Hegin County's

  • 摘要: 基于可持续生计思想理论,以云南鹤庆县龙开口移民村为例,重点阐述了该村在物质资本、金融资本、文化及社会资本的生计方式中出现的断裂,提出从发展地方特色产业、努力开拓第三产业、利用互联网优势以及外出劳务输出等路径来进行替代性可持续生计的尝试,并建议从政府、第三方组织、农民自身素质的提升来共同协作,以建构替代生计的支持系统。


    Abstract: Based on the theory of sustainable livelihoods thinking, takes Longkaikou immigrant village of Heqing County in Yunnan province for example, this essay focuses on the break appeared in the village livelihoods physical capital, financial capital, cultural and social capital, and then it proposes to develop local specialized industry, and strives to develop the tertiary industry, take the advantages of the Internet using and explore outgoing labor export path. At last, it suggests to construct support system of alternative livelihoods from government, a third-party organization and the improvement of farmers' self quality.


