
Calculating on the Cost of Citizenization for Migrant Workers in Rapid Industrialization Area: Based on the Enterprise and Personal Perspective

  • 摘要: 农民工市民化是推进新型城镇化进程的主要任务,在农民工市民化过程中,政府、企业、个人都要投入成本。文章从企业和个人的视角进行研究,以快速工业化地区具有代表性的东莞市为个案,测算农民工市民化企业和个人所需投入的成本,得出在东莞市企业和个人所负担的成本分别约为5 593元和38 467元,并指出企业和个人都必须为农民工市民化承担部分责任,不断提升农民工市民化的能力,使农民工积极融入城市的经济社会发展。


    Abstract: Migrant workers' citizenization is the main task of new urbanization. In the process of citizenlization for migrant workers, the government, enterprise and person need to pay the cost. This article takes Dongguan city,the most representative city in rapid industrialization area,as an example, calculates the cost of citizenization for migrant workers by enterprise and personal,and the results shows that they are 5 593 yuan and 38 467 yuan by calculating respectively. It points out that the enterprise and personal must bear partly responsibility for the citizenization of migrant workers, and improve the ability so as to make migrant workers integrate the development of urban economic and society.


