
Aesthetic Criticism of the Yunnan Poetry Criticism in Qing Dynasty

  • 摘要: 清代云南诗歌批评有两种主要表现形式,一是诉诸于审美直觉的判断,二是诉诸于日常积累的知识、经验的判断。前者主要是直觉判断,表现在以真为美、以清为美、以中和为美的审美批评原则上;后者则包括对日常生活中诗人道德品行的判断以及文学艺术活动中对是否符合温柔敦厚、思无邪等思想内容的判断。可以说,清代云南诗学一方面展示了审美批评的自觉,一面又呈现了道德批评的焦虑。二者并行不悖,共同构成了清代云南诗学的主要话语。


    Abstract: Yunnan poetry criticism, there are two main forms, in Qing Dynasty. one resorts to intuitive judgment, and the other resorts to the daily knowledge accumulation and the experience judgment analysis. The former is intuitive judgment, it is mainly manifested in the aesthetic criticism of the beauty of true, clear and harmony. The latter includes the poet's morality and character judgment in daily life, as well as the style judgment of gentle, thought of Justice and other ideological content in the literary and artistic activities. In conclusion, Yunnan poetics in Qing dynasty present the characteristic of combing aesthetic criticism with moral criticism.


