
An Exploration on Marx's Philosophy of Self Consciousness in Doctoral Dissertation

  • 摘要: 《博士论文》是青年马克思著作中非常具有代表性的著作之一。《博士论文》处处体现着深受青年黑格尔派布鲁诺鲍威尔的费希特倾向影响的痕迹。表面上地,年轻的马克思是在论述古希腊哲学家德谟克利特与伊壁鸠鲁在自然哲学上的差别,实际上他一方面将自我意识哲学上升到了新的高度,另一方面也对自我意识哲学保持着一定程度的警醒。透过晦涩难懂的哲学术语与论辩,能够窥探到青年马克思的自我意识哲学观,对于正确认识自我意识哲学具有重要的意义。


    Abstract: Doctoral dissertation is one of the most representative works of the young Marx,it also shows the thought of young Marx is influenced by Fichte, who is the young Hagel school traces. Apparently, the young Marx was discussing the differences between ancient Greek philosopher Democritus and Epicurus in natural philosophy, in fact, on the one hand, the self-consciousness philosophy of Marx reached to new level, on the other hand, the thought suggested young Marx also maintained a certain degree of vigilance to self-consciousness philosophy. Through the obscure philosophical terms and debate, it could find young Marx's self consciousness philosophy is significant for realizing self-consciousness philosophy, correctly.


