
On Development Countermeasures of KonjacIndustry in Poverty Alleviation Program in Zhaotong City

  • 摘要: 探讨了昭通市脱贫攻坚工作中魔芋产业发展的重要性和必要性,存在的问题和发展对策。通过对昭通魔芋产业的分析,认为魔芋产业在昭通具有适宜广大贫困山区种植、基础较好、市场前景好,比较效益又高的优势。目前发展中存在三大问题:认识不到位;缺引导、缺扶持、科技普及和推广滞后;基础设施薄弱,企业少、小、拉动能力弱。在将来扶贫攻坚工作中魔芋产业发展需要补齐政府引导扶持,实现魔芋种植基地规模化、企业化、一体化、专业化、社会化和市场化6大短板,以推动昭通魔芋产业化发展。


    Abstract: This paper discusses the importance, necessity, constraints and development countermeasures of developing Konjacindustry for poverty alleviation program in the Zhaotong city. Through analysis, it shows that growing Konjacin Zhaotong has many advantages: suitable for the mountainous in poor cultivation areas, good foundation, optimistic market prospects, and comparatively high benefits. However, there exist three major problems in current process: incomplete understanding of its importance; lack of guidance, support, and popularization, and especially the promotion of science and technology lag behind; with the infrastructure and the enterprise being weak, small, and feeble. To promote the development of Zhaotong Konjacindustry in the future for poverty alleviation program, it needs to overcome six short boards: the government supportment, scale planting, enterprise, integration, specialization, socialization and marketization.


