
GAO's Family in Dali Kingdom and Buddhism

  • 摘要: 高氏家族在大理国时期世袭宰相,势力范围遍及八府四郡,可谓权倾一时的名门望族。大理国以佛教建国,素有妙香佛国之称,举国上下皆崇佛信佛。为了解相国高氏家族发展佛教的情况,通过文献研究法,运用大量碑刻资料及高氏家族相关史料,考证了高氏借助雄厚的权力和财力开展的求经造经、广建佛寺、修塔造幢、监凿石窟;归纳了他们在日常生活中以身作则地发扬佛教文化;从四个方面分析了他们发展佛教的动机,肯定了高氏对大理国佛教事业发展做出的巨大贡献。


    Abstract: GAO was a famous family in Dali Kingdom, they held the position of prime minister hereditarily in central government and the power could influence all over the eight prefectures and four counties. The Dali Kingdom governed the country with the Buddhism, all the people had a devout Buddhist faith. In order to know the Buddhism development about GAO's, after the study of archives, the stone inscriptions and other historical documents, it can be concluded that they developed the Buddhism such as built the Buddhist scriptures, the temples, the pagodas and the grottoes. At the same time, they promoted the Buddhist culture as a model in daily life, and the GAO's motivations of developed Buddhism were analyzed. At the last, it affirmed that GAO made a great contribution to the development of Buddhism for Dali Kingdom.


