
The Abyss of Betrayal:An Interpretation of Narrative Time in A Grain of Wheat

  • 摘要: 《一粒麦种》是恩古吉瓦西翁奥的第三部作品也是其代表作。本文借分析该小说的叙事时间(时序、时距及频率),即倒叙、预叙、概述、场景及重复叙述,对泰北村民过去的交代,白人殖民者内心恐惧的剖析,以及新殖民的解读,剖析了人与人之间相互背叛而处于恐惧的困境之中,加深了我们对殖民主义给被殖民者及殖民者所带来的伤害及创伤的了解,也为该小说的研究提供更广的视域。


    Abstract: A Grain of Wheat, his third novel and also representatives, has been published in 1967. this paper focuses on analyzing its narrative time (order, duration and frequency), that is analepsis, prolepsis, summary, scene and iterative narrative, to tell the past of the Thabai villagers, show the inner fear of the colonizers and interpret the neo-colonialism. Through an analysis of it narrative time, it reemphasizes its themebetrayal and being betrayed and human being are trapped in a state of fear, which strengthens the understanding of colonialism which does harm to both the colonized and the colonizer and provides an extensive research field for the novel.


