
The Brief Biography of YUAN Wenkui on Yunnan in Mid-Qing Dynasty of Yunnan

  • 摘要: 袁文揆是清代中期云南著名诗人, 他生于保山一个读书世家, 青少年时期走的是科举之路, 然屡试不中。在京应考期间, 曾效力四库馆阁, 之后得官甘陕。五年后辞官回滇, 开始了客居昆明的从幕生活, 晚年任云南县教谕。他一生交友广泛, 既与服官滇省之王昶、屠绅、檀萃等著名学者交好, 又与钱沣、师范、刘大绅等云南著名文士关系密切。晚年有江浙行, 实是为身陷困境的陈云岩太守筹集赎金, 此行堪称侠义, 并一路广交江浙诗人。他生平最大的贡献是《滇南诗文略》的编纂, 导云南文献整理之先河。对袁文揆生平事迹的勾勒, 将为清代云南文学史呈现一个生动的个案。


    Abstract: YUAN Wenkui was the famous poets on Yunnan in Qing Dynasty. He was borned in a scholarly family of Baoshan, Who selected the road of imperial examination, but try not to be admitted. In Beijing, He serviced in the GuanGe. Since then, he was assigned an official in Ganshan. Five years later, he returned to Yunnan. He made friends widely, not only friendly to WANG Chang, TU Shen and TAN Cui who were the officers, but also closely related to the famous scribes in Yunnan, such as QIAN Feng, SHI Fan and LIU Dashen. In order to raise the ransom for the satrap called CHEN Yunyan who was in trouble, YUAN Wenkui travelled in Jiangzhe in old age. Along the way, he made new friends. His contribution to life was the largest poetry's compilation of Southern of Yunnan. The outline of YUAN Wenkui's life story, will present a vivid case for the Yunnan literature history of Qing Dynasty.


