
Research on the Impact of Digital Transformation of Livestock-related Enterprises on Total Factor Productivity

  • 摘要: 涉牧企业作为保障人民生活、推动经济发展的重要力量,在数字经济迅速发展的时代,正在积极推动自身的数字化转型。文章以2007—2023年上市涉牧企业为样本,使用双向固定效应模型实证检验了其数字化转型对全要素生产率的影响。研究结果表明涉牧企业的数字化转型能够显著提高全要素生产率。在机制检验中,数字化转型能通过降低供应链依赖程度和扩大规模经济效应作用于企业的全要素生产率。在异质性分析中,实证研究发现数字化转型对成立时间短的企业、创新能力强的企业、位于“宽带中国”示范城市的企业、非国有企业以及畜牧业发达地区的企业的全要素生产率的影响更为显著。另外,涉牧企业的数字化转型对全要素生产率的影响具有边际效应。综上所述,文章实证研究了涉牧企业数字化转型与其全要素生产率之间的关系,对于涉牧企业抢抓数字化发展先机、提高全要素生产率和推动企业新质生产力的发展具有重要意义。


    Abstract: As an important force in ensuring people’ s livelihood and promoting economic development, the livestock-related enterprises are actively promoting their own digital transformation in the era of rapid development of the digital economy. This article uses a two-way fixed-effect model to empirically test the impact of digital transformation on total factor productivity in listed livestock-related enterprises from 2007 to 2023. The results of the study show that the digital transformation of the livestock-related enterprises can significantly improve the total factor productivity. In the mechanism test, digital transformation can affect the total factor productivity of enterprises by reducing supply chain dependence and expanding economies of scale. In the heterogeneity analysis, empirical research found that digital transformation has a more significant impact on the total factor productivity of enterprises with short establishment time, enterprises with strong innovation capabilities, enterprises located in the “Broadband China” demonstration cities, non-state-owned enterprises, and enterprises in regions with developed animal husbandry. In addition, the digital transformation of the livestock-related enterprises has a marginal effect on total factor productivity. In summary, the article empirically studies the relationship between the digital transformation of the livestock-related enterprises and their total factor productivity, which is of great significance for the livestock-related enterprises to seize the opportunity of digital development, improve total factor productivity and promote the development of new quality productivity.


