
The Analysis of Digital Technology Enabling Rural Cultural Revitalization

  • 摘要: 数字技术的蓬勃发展为乡村文化振兴提供了强力支持,具有推动乡村优秀传统文化发展繁荣,促进乡村文化产业振兴,提高乡村群众的数字素养等积极作用。但是,数字技术赋能乡村文化振兴还面临乡村数字基础设施薄弱,乡村数字专业化人才短缺,乡村数字文化内容有效供给相对不足等问题。推动数字技术赋能乡村文化振兴,需要从加强乡村数字人才队伍建设,推动乡村数字基础设施完善升级,强化乡村数字文化优质内容产出等方面着力。


    Abstract: At present, the vigorous development of digital technology provides technical support for rural cultural revitalization. However, rural cultural revitalization enabled by digital technology also faces problems such as weak rural digital infrastructure, a shortage of digital professional talent, and an insufficient supply of effective rural digital cultural content. For this reason, it is imperative to initiate comprehensive and pragmatic exploration by advancing the enhancement and modernization of rural digital infrastructure, augmenting the development of a skilled rural digital workforce, and bolstering the production of high-caliber rural digital culture.


