
Research on the Impact of Employment Quality on the Urban Settlement Intention of Agricultural Transfer Population: An Empirical Study Based on CMDS Data

  • 摘要: 提升农业转移人口城市落户意愿,对我国新型城镇化战略的实施意义重大。本研究利用全国流动人口动态监测数据,基于“推拉”理论,构建二元 Logit回归模型,实证分析就业质量对农业转移人口城市落户意愿的影响。研究表明:(1)农业转移人口的城市落户意愿整体偏低,愿意将户口迁入城市的农业转移人口仅占总样本的46%。(2)就业质量对农业转移人口城市落户意愿影响显著。丰厚的薪资待遇、合理的劳动时间、完善的权益保障、良好的职业发展、较强的工作稳定性是增强其城市落户意愿的重要手段。(3)不同人口特征的农业转移人口就业质量对其城市落户意愿存在显著差异。据此,提出应当从合理控制劳动时间、提高社会保险参与率、提供公平薪资待遇、重视农村青年基本教育、增强个体获得感五个方面来加强农业转移人口的城市落户意愿,从而助力新型城镇化战略健康有序推进。


    Abstract: Enhancing the willingness of agricultural migrant population to settle in cities is of great significance for the implementation of China’ s new urbanization strategy. This study utilized China Migrants Dynamic Survey(CMDS)and constructed a binary Logit regression model based on the “push-pull” theory to empirically analyze the impact of employment quality on the willingness of agricultural transfer population to settle in cities. Research showed that: (1) The overall willingness of agricultural transfer population to settle in cities was relatively low, with only 46% of the total sample willing to move their household registration to cities. (2) The quality of employment had a significant impact on the willingness of agricultural migrant workers to settle in cities. Generous salary benefits, reasonable working hours, comprehensive rights protection, good career development, and strong job stability were important means to enhance their willingness to settle in the city. (3) There were significant differences in the employment quality of agricultural migrant populations with different population characteristics on their willingness to settle in cities. Based on this, it was proposed that the willingness of agricultural transfer population to settle in cities should be strengthened from five aspects: reasonable control of labor time, increasing social insurance participation rate, providing fair salary treatment, attaching importance to basic education of rural youth, and enhancing individual sense of gain, in order to help promote the healthy and orderly development of the new urbanization strategy.


