
The Theoretical Sources, Essentials and Paths to Realization on Common Values of All Mankind

  • 摘要: 全人类共同价值是习近平人类命运共同体理念的一项重要内容。全人类共同价值建立在马克思主义理论基础上,又深深地植根于中华优秀传统文化土壤之中,在人类命运共同体理念形成与实现过程中发挥了重要的作用。全人类共同价值从不同方面诠释了人类社会发展的共同事业、共同理想、共同目标。探索全人类共同价值如何有效传播,关系中华文化在世界范围的传播,关系中国在国际舞台上的话语权建构。


    Abstract: There is an essential difference between the common values of all mankind and universal values, which are rooted in excellent Chinese traditional culture and based on Marxist values. The common values of all mankind provide spiritual support in the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. The common values of all mankind interpret the common cause, common ideal and common goal of human social development from different aspects. Seeking an effective path to carry forward the common values of all mankind in the world is related to the spread of Chinese culture around the world and the construction of China ’s discourse power in the international arena.


