Fast Recognized the Flavoniod Glycosides from Rosmarinus Officinalis Linn by LC-MS Technique
To determine the chemical component of Rosmarinus officinalis and study the fragmentation rules of the main constituent, the crude extract of R.officinalis Linn was analyzed by LC-MS technique. Seventeen compounds including one oligosaccharide, two phenylpropanoids and fourteen flavonoid glycosides were determined by LC-MS combined with Shimadzu Composition Formula Predictor and database searching. The main fragmentation pathway of flavonoid glycosides was losing the saccharide groups in MSn analyses, such as glucose (-m/z 162), rhamnose (-m/z 146), glucuronic acid (-m/z 176), acetyl glucuronic acid (-m/z 218) and rutinose (-m/z 308). Retro-Diels-Alder reaction (RDA) scission was observed for some compounds which was useful for identifying the substituent groups on the flavonoid skeletons. It is suggested that LC-MS as an useful technique for quality analyzing in plant materials is fit for indentifying the flavonoid glycosides of R.officinalis.