Analysis on Rural Revitalization Assisted by Reading Promotion Service of Libraries in Yunnan Regions:A Study Based on Reading Cultural Scene
Graphical Abstract
Taking the reading promotion service in ethnic regions as the starting research point, the integration of the rural culture, amenities, reading and creative talents in ethnic regions, tells how effective the promoting reading scene help the readers find the ultimate life-changer. This paper summarized the status of reading promotion service in Yunnan ethnic regions from the perspectives of service target and service practice. Also, this paper analyzed the applicability of the theory of the scenescapes to the rural reading promotion service, based on literature review, in-depth interviews, and case studies. According to the evaluation results of reading promotion scenarios in Yunnan ethnic regions, it was noticed that the integration of modern scientific achievements and three self-expressions of authenticity, theatricality and legitimacy in the promoting reading scenes, assisted rural people to form their new values and lifestyles that instructs behavior model and communication. Such perception aims to extend the significant research about stimulating creative vitality and creative class for ethnic regions.