Study on the Indexes of Fertilizer Recommendation for Broccoli and Binglang Taro in Ningde,Fujian Province
Graphical Abstract
In order to understand the NPK fertilization effect and index of fertilizer recommendation for broccoli and Binglang taro in Ningde,this study was carried out in 21 groups broccoli and 24 groups Binglang taro 3414 fertilizer experiment. The results showed that, with the lower level of soil fertility, the effects of soil on the yield of vegetable, the contribution rate of soil on broccoli yield reduced from (56.67.6)% to (35.412.8)%; nitrogen production rate of broccoli rose from (41.919.0)% to (60.512.9)%, phosphate fertilizer production rate rose from (6.73.0)% to (19.34.6)%, potassium fertilizer production rate rose from (11.76.2)% to (19.47.0)%; the contribution rate of soil on Binglang taro yield reduced from (59.48.8)% to (46.911.3)%; the Binglang taro fertilizer production rate rose from (30.113.5)% to (49.110.5)%,phosphate fertilizer production rate rose from (9.03.0)% to (11.312.5)%, potassium fertilizer production rate rose from (16.86.5)% to (21.211.5)%;fertilization and yield increase rates were N P2O5 K2O. The best calibration curve model between relative yield of no nitrogen experimental plot and soil organic matter test values was exponential model or logarithmic model. The doses of N, P2O5, K2O for cauliflower were (30450),(11337),(27193)kg/hm2, the doses of N, P2O5, K2O for Binglang taro were (30450),(11337),(27193)kg/hm2. The relationship between soil testing values and dose of N, P2O5, K2O were in line with logarithmic function or linear function, which could be used to predict dose of N, P2O5, K2O by means of soil testing values.