Genetic Diversity Analysis of Yunnan Moringa oleifera Lam. with AFLP Markers
Graphical Abstract
To release the genetic diversity and relationship of Moringa oleifera Lam. cultured in Yunnan Province and provide a certificate of development and utilization in domestic resources further,the genetic and relationship of 27 M. oleifera Lam. was evaluated based on AFLP molecular markers in this study. Totally 946 DNA bands were amplified by 9 selected primer pairs including 913(96.19%) polymorphic bands. The average DNA bands and polymorphic bands per primer pair were 105 and 101,respectively. It is implied that M. oleifera cultivated in Yunnan has rich genetic polymorphism. Genetic similarity coefficients of the 27 materials ranged from 0.657 5 to 0.838 3. The 27 materials were divided into 6 categories by UPGMA cluster analysis. Surprisingly, materials cultivated in the same area are not in the same category, material with the same traits are not in the same category, indicating that there is genetic differentiation in the large population of M. oleifera cultivated, the genetic background is complex,the relationship between traits and genetic still need further studies.