Construction and Solution for the Dynamic Function Group Model of the Insect Community in a Zanthoxylum bungeanum Garden
Graphical Abstract
This paper presents a method for studying community by using the metapopulation relationship, and gives an example for its use in a study of the insects in a Zanthoxylum bungeanum garden. Based on the power of relations with Z. bungeanum, the insect communities in the Z.bungeanum garden were divided into different functional groups within metapopulations. A Latka-Volterra model was established for the multi-metapopulations, and the initial coefficients of the model were determined using a differential equation. The purpose of the study is to solve the parameters of the Lotka-Volterra model to determine the ecological problems, as well as for the previous few experimental data model and investigation of combined to carry out simulation analysis and test questions provide a solution. The differential equations were analyzed using Matlab software to determine the functions and parameters for further optimizing of the coefficient, and eventually quantifying the relationship between the various functional groups within the insect metapopulation in the Z. bungeanum garden. We found that the parasitic insect populations are the predominant insect metapopulation in the Z. bungeanum garden. The sum of the squared residuals was small, and the fitting effect was good with given values. The entire community was also studied at the community level with the metapopulation method, and the results were consistent with those values in ideal environment conditions in general population studies. This indicates that community studies using the metapopulation method can avoid many confounding factors with desirable efficiency.