The Grouping Teaching Mode of Ideological and Political Theory Course in Agricultural and Forestry Universities: A Case Study of Six Agricultural and Forestry Universities in China
The Ideological and political work in colleges and universities is related to what kind of people they train, how to train people and for whom they train people. However, the Ideological and Political Theory Course (hereinafter referred to as “ideological and political course” ) in colleges and universities is the main channel for ideological and political education of college students, enhancing the affinity and pertinence of “ideological and political course” , and bringing students a real sense of gain, to be the main task of “ideological and political course” in colleges and universities. Agricultural and forestry colleges and universities in the “ideological and political course” in the teaching of common colleges and universities have their own characteristics. Therefore, through the investigation of six agricultural and forestry universities in China, we find the characteristics of ideological and political course teaching in agricultural and forestry universities, and put forward a targeted teaching reform method, group teaching, finally, improve the effectiveness of ideological and Political Education in agricultural and forestry universities.