Research on Procrastination of College Students of Different Levels of Self-esteem
This study uses the Lay arousal procrastination scale, the McCown and Johnson avoidant procrastination scale and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale to explore the relationship between self-esteem and arousal-avoidant procrastination, especially compares the difference between arousal and avoidant procrastination of students in different self-esteem levels. The results show: (1) The relationship between different self-esteem levels and delay total points and its different dimensionalities is negative correlation. But as for each correlation coefficient, they are still in differences. The correlation between self-esteem and avoid procrastination is higher than the relevance between self-esteem and arousal procrastination. (2) Among the different grades, the self-esteem levels are no significant difference. Between different sexes, there are significant differences in self-esteem. (3) Among the different grades, there are no significant differences in delay total points. In terms of arousal procrastination, boys and girls are no significant differences. But in avoidant procrastination, they have significant differences.